May 10th, 2019 by Gary Osberg

My Dad served in the Pacific during the war. His brother-in-law, my Uncle El, served there also. One of the photos that I had restored is a picture of Dad and Uncle El smoking cigars on an island after V-J Day. You can tell by the look on his face that the canteens did not have water in them.  Later on Dad enlisted in the Army and we ended up in Vienna, Austria. One of the items that Ma brought back was a very old statue, a warrior with a breast plate and a sword on his hip. She had her neighbor Harold convert it into a lamp and gave it to us as a wedding gift in 1965.

It ended up broken and in three pieces in a box in the basement of The Parsonage in Upsala. Ickler Company in St. Cloud soldered it back together and through my connections at The Paramount Center for the Arts, I found a “bronzer” in Howard Lake, INNOCAST Execuline, to refinish it. It turned out that the tip of the shaft and the feather were gold leaf.

When I was in Germany a few weeks ago I purchased a BMW model car to add to the collection of Vienna items.  The monkey in a top hat was a 25th anniversary gift dated 1923.  The inscription, which is in German, states “What a monkey my lover is, like an illness or a fever”.   

The show this week is another rebroadcast.  The next live show is from St. Louis, MO on May 25th.   Details can be found at  

“Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What other say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinion and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.”   This is the second agreement from “The Four Agreements” by don Miguel Ruiz

May 3rd, 2019 by Gary Osberg

The trip of a lifetime.  Three years ago the art teacher at Upsala High School started working on a tour of Europe.  Miss P (Kara Poissant) pulled it off.  Twenty students, age 15 to 18, and 12 adults including myself did it.  We visited seven cities in five countries in 11 days.  London, Paris, Zurich, Lucerne, Munich, Salzburg and Vienna.  When my daughter Kerry showed me the brochure, I noticed that the last day before returning home included Weiner Schnitzel dinner in Vienna.  I booked it that day.

I did get back to the apartment that we lived in from 1951 to 1953.  I took a cab from downtown Vienna and asked the cab driver to wait for 15 minutes.  No problem.  As I approached the front door, a man asked if he could help me.  Markus pointed out which button was for the owner and said, “push it”.  The buzzer rang and I was admitted to the lobby and was transported back 66 years.  The old elevator had been replaced, but the water faucet in the lobby, which was to be used to water flowers, was still there.  The owner lives in the same apartment that we used.  The owner, a granddaughter of the owner that we displaced in 1951, was not home, but her room mate let me in.  He would not let me take pictures, but he did give me a tour.  He let me take a photo of the view from the balcony.   I would like to return to Vienna and take them out for dinner sometime.

It is never too late to “make time for what you can dream”.  Now I have to find a photo album that will hold 392 pictures taken with an iPhone 6.

Live from Here this week is a rebroadcast of an old show.  You can check the tour by visiting  

“Trust your crazy ideas”  Dan Zadra

April 12th, 2019 by Gary Osberg

I use Waze, an app on my iPhone, to get directions to places that I want to go to.  This morning I entered 41 Gregor Mendel Strasse, Vienna, Austria.  My dad was in the Fifth Army, and he was stationed in Vienna in the early fifties.  I celebrated my 10th birthday on the ship coming back stateside on August 30, 1953.  According to Waze my destination is 5,410 miles from here.  Two weeks from today, I will be going to see the apartment that we lived in.

Next Tuesday, I will be leaving on a tour of five cities in  Europe along with 22 students from Ms. Poissant’s art class in Upsala and 8 other adults.  One of the students is my granddaughter, Chrissy.  I plan on staying with the group every day except Friday the 26th.  That day I will be going back to the apartment that we lived in for three years.  My younger brother Brian was born in Vienna and he and his wife have visited the apartment.

They met with the current owner and his family owned the building in 1951.  They were moved to the attic and our family had an apartment with two marble faced fireplaces, a baby grand piano and crystal chandeliers.

I will be back in my office on Monday April 29th.   

Live from Here this week is a live show from The Town Hall in New York City.  Special guests include Sara Bareilles, The Milk Carton Kids, Aparna Nancherla and Madison Cunningham.  Enjoy the show.

“Live all you can; it’s a mistake not to.”  Henry James

April 5th, 2019 by Gary Osberg

24 years ago today, Kaylin Marie Osberg came into the world.  She was the first of my five grandchildren and life has not been the same since.  My daughter was working her way through school and so when Kaylin was a small child, most weekends, I took care of Kaylin in my bachelor pad in Upsala.  We did  a lot of pancakes at the Uptown Café on Saturday morning  and a  lot of washing her hair in the kitchen sink on Sunday morning before church.  There was much wailing and thrashing about.  Getting her to sleep in her crib at night required my singing “It’s Summer Time” over and over again while she struggled to stay awake. 

After many years, she finally said, “Grandpa, please stop singing that song!”.  Now Kaylin is co-owner of a promotional products company, Zygoatian LLC.  She owns a small home close to Lake Mille Lacs in Wahkon.  I have attached a photo of her and the bass that she caught last summer.   If you need a T Shirt or coffee mug, give her a call.  Simply Google Zygoatian. 

Live from Here this week is a live show from Dallas, Texas.  Special guests include The Head and The Heart,  Esperanza Spalding, Jamie Lee and Nora McInerny.  Enjoy the show.

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, art is knowing which ones to keep.”  Scott Adams

March 30th, 2019 by Gary Osberg

The warm up has been slow, but the snow piles are receding.  Be careful if you go for a walk in the morning, the melt is freezing overnight.  It will be sunny and cool today, but still much improved.

The High School Art Exhibition is back at the Paramount Center for the Arts.  The closing reception is tonight, so if you have not already seen the great artwork created by high school students, hopefully, you will get a chance to attend tonight.  The event is from 5:30 to 8.   One of the sponsors of this year’s exhibit is Zygoatian LLC, a promotional products company co-founded by my granddaughter Kaylin Osberg.  Their motto is that “they print on almost anything”.  They also create website ads, should you need one to post on the Minnesota Public Radio website.  If you are interested, I will send you a sales sheet for MPR website ads. 

For over 40 years the High School Art show was presented by Visual Arts Minnesota.  My daughter Kerry Osberg, Kaylin’s mother,  was the Executive Director for many years and so there is a lot of history for our family with this wonderful event.  Over the years I was able to purchase a number of very special pieces at the show.  It is not often that the artist is willing to sell their work, but you may find something tonight that you will love.  Related web sites are and 

Live from Here this week is a rebroadcast of a previous show.  Next Saturday there will be a live show from Dallas, Texas.

“Caution! The left-brained world want you to “be realistic, quit dreaming, be more like us, get your head out of the clouds and your feet on the ground.” 

To advance and prosper, steadfastly ignore that advice.”  Marilyn Grey

March 26th, 2019 by Gary Osberg

One of my underwriters in Sun Valley, Idaho told me that it is cloudy now, but snow is on the way for this weekend.  In years past there have been years when spring was well on its way here in central Minnesota on the fourth Friday in March.  Not this year.  The forecast is for fifty eight degrees by Wednesday of next week.  Our hearts go out to all those that are experience floods.

Sun Valley was discovered by Count Felix Schaffgotsch about 80 years ago.  Averell Harriman, the chairman of the Union Pacific Railroad, had asked the Count to go west and try to find a suitable site for the creation of a ski resort similar to those that he had visited in Europe.  The railroad needed “destination places” to encourage rail travel.  The Count was advised to take a trip to Ketchum, Idaho, a mining town in central Idaho. Upon arrival, the Count wired Harriman, “This area combines more delightful features than any place I have seen in Switzerland, Austria or the United States for a winter resort.” 

Within days they purchased a 4,300 acre ranch and the Sun Valley Resort opened in the winter of 1936.  The “chair lift” was invented in Sun Valley.  You can visit for information on the resort.   When you get there be sure to tune in to KWRV 91.9 Classical MPR. 

Live from Here is a rebroadcast this week.  Last week’s show was awesome.  You can always listen to old shows at 

The first Downtown St. Cloud Art Crawl of the year is tonight.  Be sure to check it out and maybe you can still get tickets to Mary Poppins, presented by Saint John’s Prep Theatre at The Paramount Center for the Arts.  The show opens tonight. 

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his or her life by altering the attitude of the mind.”  William James

March 15th, 2019 by Gary Osberg

Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day Eve and The Irish Band,  Ring of Kerry,  will be performing at the Paramount Center for the Arts in downtown St. Cloud.  Tickets are available at  I have tickets to Delfeayo Marsalis & The Uptown Jazz Orchestra which is at Escher Auditorium on the campus of the College of Saint Benedict.  Tickets are available at 

The origin of the song “Danny Boy” is an interesting story.  The tune is known as the “Londonderry Air” and it originated in the northern most county of Ireland.  The story goes that sometime in the 1600 hundreds, a blind harpist, Rory Dall O’Cahan, was traveling home after having finished a gig at a castle in the Valley of Roe.  He had a little too much to drink, and he fell asleep in a ditch along the road. He was awakened by the sound of a fairy playing the most beautiful tune he had ever heard on his harp.  He returned to the castle and proceeded to play the first rendition of what became known as the “Londonderry Air.”

In 1851, Jane Ross heard a blind fiddler, Jimmy McCurry playing the tune at a fair and she wrote the notes down.  The tune spread all over the western world.  Many tried to come up with words to the tune, including some of the best known poets of the time, but none seemed to work.  Finally an Englishman, Fred Weatherly, a teacher and a lawyer who had written nearly 1,500 songs in his lifetime, was sent the tune by a sister-in-law who lived in America.  Over a three month period, Fred had lost his father and his only son. The song was published in 1913.  His sorrow is reflected in the words that he wrote, especially the second verse. 

“But if you come and the flowers are all dying.  If I be dead, as dead I  might well be.  You will come and find the place where I am lying and kneel and say an “Ave” there for me.  And I shall hear , though soft you tread above me and all my grave the warmer, sweeter be, and if you bend and tell me that you love me, then I shall sleep in peace, until you come to me.”

Live from Here tomorrow will be a live show from The Fitzgerald Theatre in St. Paul.  Jon Batiste will be the guest host.  Special guests include Emily King, Nick Waterhouse and Rachael Price. 

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”  Leonard Cohen

March 8th, 2019 by Gary Osberg

The reason that this is going out late is that this morning I attended Chamber Connection at the CMBA Show which opens today at noon at River’s Edge Convention Center.  Be sure to check out The Future Home Display.  Stearns Electric is the Platinum Sponsor of the show.  This afternoon might be a good time to get downtown St. Cloud. 

My grandson “Walleye Willie” turned 10 years old on Sunday. Willie is passionate about fishing. He even sleeps with a “fish pillow”. Every year he makes a list of 10 fish that he wants to catch. In 2015 it was well into October when he and his dad landed a 46” Muskie, the last one on that year’s Bucket List. In September of last year he has caught an even bigger Muskie.

We have registered for him since he plans on being a fishing guide when he is older.  Two years ago Willie was recognized as a Master Angler by the Minnesota Fishing Museum and Hall of Fame in Little Falls, Minnesota.  He had caught and released a 25 ½ inch Walleye.  (proof attached)

Live from Here this week is a rebroadcast of a previously recorded show. 

“And another truth, that there are no secret passages to strength, no magic words.  It is just something you know about yourself.  Judith Guest  American Writer. 

March 1st, 2019 by Gary Osberg

I did hear a Cardinal yesterday as I left the office to head home.  Maybe there is hope after all.

In the spring of 2000 I visited our classical music station in Sun Valley, Idaho, KWRV 91.9,  for the first time.  When I made my second trip in the fall, I decided to drive the rental car to Bozeman, Montana and visit my Uncle Bill and Aunt Maggie.  I wanted to get to know these folks better.  This became an annual event.  Each year I heard more stories and I learned to love these wonderful people.

Uncle Bill passed about ten years ago.  It has been two years since Aunt Maggie passed. She and her husband Bill Heisick both grew up in Bozeman, Montana. Bill served in the Pacific during World War II. When he came home he and his mother traveled to LA to visit some friends. One day a fellow named Ivan popped in to see his friend Tommy who happened to be playing bridge with Bill and his mother Mary. Ivan asked who owned the car outside with the Montana license plates. Uncle Bill spoke up. Ivan told Bill that his girlfriend, Maggie Caven, lived in Bozeman and Bill should greet her for him when he got back home.

When Bill got back to Bozeman he phoned Maggie and asked her to go to a movie. Maggie mistook Bill for his older brother Bob who she had once met in high school. She accepted the date and she was very disappointed when she found out that Bob had been killed in the war.

She was quite sure that Bill, who was a couple of years younger than she, was not her kind of fellow. Bill was very handsome and Maggie was sure that like most handsome men, he would prove to be full of himself. She tried to call it off, but Bill was persistent and they were married in Tucson, Arizona on April 12, 1949. They were a very happy couple. They lived in Van Nuys, CA and retired to a small ranch outside of Bozeman in 1984.  I am not sure what happened to Ivan, but he shared too much with the wrong fellow at the wrong time.

Live from Here this week is a live show from the State Theatre in Minneapolis.  Special guests include Broken Social Scene, the Vijay Iyer Trio and Dave Hill.  Enjoy the show on your radio or your smart phone or at

“I believe we have two lives. The life we learn with and the life we live after that.”  Glenn Close to Robert Redford in “The Natural

February 22nd, 2019 by Gary Osberg

A couple of years ago I attended a Waite Park Chamber event hosted by MinnWest Bank. The speaker was Jill with Express Employment Professionals. Her opening statement concluded that, on average, we will each have three careers and 27 jobs in our lifetime. At first, it sounded like a bit much, but then I started counting. My three careers were drafting, office furniture/equipment sales and now nearly 16 years selling sponsorships for Minnesota Public Radio. I did have more than 20 jobs.

My first job was working at Ramlo Grocery in Upsala, (my grandparents owned the store) for fifty cents an hour. The summer between my junior and senior year in high school I worked for my step-grandfather, Francis Johnson, as a house painter in Little Falls. As I mentioned last week, in 1962 I got into the drafting field thanks to my sisters friend, Barry Larson. I worked my way up from being a draftsman on the Polaris project at Honeywell to being a manager with the very first computerized drafting service bureau in the U.S., Norwood Engineering.

We were way ahead of our time and after a rough first few months, I was laid off on the day of my daughters first birthday. The founders had been the sales force and they had been let go by the Board of Directors. Two guys that worked for me were the entire production crew. They went on strike until the new President, Ron Crew, agreed to hire me back as the sales rep. Every day we would go to the office and negotiate for my return and then buy a 12 pack and go to the lake for lunch. After a few weeks Ron agreed to take me back.

One of the two guys who went on strike was Eckart “Butch” Herter, who took me aside to tell me that my hand shake sucked and that, if I was planning on being a salesman, I had better read “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. He was right on. He died way to young of cancer. The other guy runs a movie theater in Hutchinson with his wife.

I owe them big time.