November 27, 2020
Yesterday was the most unusual Thanksgiving of my life. Our family decided to not gather, but rather we scheduled a Zoom meeting for 11am CST. There are six Osberg children, five boys and one girl. The girl came first, so she always had her own room. She is the sweetest of the bunch. Besides some spouses and two children, there were a couple of nieces who were on also. One with her dog and one with her fiancé. The wedding is probably going to be in 2022. Maybe the second Saturday in June. (inside joke). Three states, Minnesota, Arizona and Illinois were in the mix. We had a wonderful time with lots of laughter.
The only thing that could have made it better would have been if the loved ones that have passed on would have surprised us all with a check in. I actually pictured it in my mind. I am sure that others were thinking the same thing. One of my brothers mentioned that our sister reminded him of Ma. 2020 has been a very tough year for many. So much loss.
A big shout out to the genius that made this happen. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and whomever it was that came up with Zoom. The only reason that I am still sane is because I have loved ones that I can stay in constant touch with. Sharing pictures, sharing music, sharing videos. But the best is still going to the mailbox and getting a note that is signed “Love,”
“The world is very beautiful and very wonderful. Life can be very easy when love is your way of life.” Page 127 of The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz.