December 27th, 2024 by Gary Osberg

In 1976 I gave up Old Grand Dad 80 proof for Lent. I gutted it out and in April of 1977 I went on a retreat at the Cenacle Retreat House in Wayzata, Minnesota. Sister Ten-Tie Saniel presented “Effective Living” a seminar based on John Boyle’s “Omega Seminar”. I learned the following affirmations. Affirmations are stating future goals in the present tense. They have made a big difference in my life.

The six basic affirmations are as follows:

  1. “I am loved; therefore, I like myself, unconditionally as I was created.” (Repeat five times)
  2. “I never devalue myself with destructive self-criticism.” (Envision yourself doing something that you are very proud of)
  3. I see love in others and have warm regard for all persons at all times. (Envision yourself doing something nice for somebody else)
  4. “I am easily able to relax and with every affirmation I become physically and mentally healthier.” (Envision yourself doing something relaxing)
  5. “I am completely self-determined; inner directed by the spirit of love and allow others the same privilege.” (Repeat five times)
  6. “I accept total responsibility for the consequences of my actions and reactions.” (Repeat five times)
  7. You may add more affirmations which focus on specific areas of your life such as “I especially love and enjoy weighing 170 pounds”.

I recite these affirmations every morning after I go through my stack of readings which helps me to stay sober.   If you would like a copy of “Gary’s Koping Kit”, just ask.

“Let others lead small live, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.

Let others leave their futures in someone else’s hands, but not you.”   Jim Rohn

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