July 29th, 2016 by Gary Osberg

The Yukon Gold potatoes are awesome. Jon Ness represents the St. Joseph Farmers Market and he suggested that I plant the seed potatoes whole. No cutting and letting them heal over before you plant them. Just stick them in the ground. Much better results. Also, I moved the rows to a different spot in the garden. This year there are no brown spots to cut around. I recommend buying the seed potatoes from Woods Farmer Seed & Nursery in Waite Park.

The new `used’ tiller, that I bought from a neighbor, is much easier to run. Even with the bad shoulder, I have been able to stay on top of the weeds. I donated the `man killer’ green monster tiller to Becca and Ryan in Princeton. They have a 10 acre hobby farm. Becca writes a great blog.

The Outdoor Report TV show tomorrow includes footage from the Camp Confidence Fishing tournament that Walleye Willie, his dad and I were able to participate in at Maddens. We placed third in the `mixed bag’ category. If you miss the show on Fox Sports North at 8:30 Saturday morning, you can catch it on YouTube or at the website,

The APHC show this week is one more fall rebroadcast from the Fitzgerald Theater which first aired in October of 2000. Special guests include Greg Brown and The Nashville Bluegrass Band. Last week’s show was a good one. The News From Lake Wobegon will bring back Pastor Ingvist who encounters Merle Sanderson, one of the Lutheran pastors who was with him during an infamous pontoon boat incident. Enjoy the show.

“If you do not sow, you do not reap; no investment, no dividend. It’s as simple as that.” Alfred Armand Montapert

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