January 22nd, 2010 by Gary Osberg
Good frosty morning from Collegeville,
On this date in 1936 the wind chill was minus 80 degrees in Upsala, Minnesota.  My mother and Auntie were teenagers and they had just moved to Upsala from Cushing.  Grandma Ramlo wrote that the grocery store that they had purchased was very low on product to sell, but there was a large wood pile.  It was all gone by spring.
I received the following from one of my family members who will go unnamed.  Enjoy.
” subject: my new e-mail address
  hi everyone this is the last person on earth to use a computer i even hooked up a printer/copier/scanner today i even used it tomorrow i may even take it out of the box i am trying to make this professsssional as possssible but i sssspilled my rum buck on the key bord now i have sticcccky keys this is reaaaly fun did i tell you i bought the computer a year agoooo  i think  maybeeee if you hveee any ideas to imprrrove my emale skillls  kep themm to youuurselllf i havv to go miiiix anotherrr rummmbuuuck  calll me   nexttt  timeee my   phon  stillll wworkks  bye ithink im gettttincarpol  tunnnel     imthinnnking  it from    typinnng  i hope     ohh by  thhe  way i bot a  wirelesss  mos ttooo ” 
The show this week is live from Mayo Civic Center in Rochester, Minnesota.  Special guests include jazz songbird Inga Swearingen, Nashville picker Guthrie Trapp, vocal trio Sweet Dreams, and Minnesota polka legend Ray Sands and the Polka Dots.  Enjoy the show.  Also, there will be a live Cinecast at Parkwood Cinema in Waite Park of a special APHC show on Thursday February 4th with an encore on Tuesday February 9th.    Stop in now to purchase advance tickets.
Go Vikings!
“Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all time thing.  You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time.  Winning is habit.  Unfortunately, so is losing.”  Vince Lombardi

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