May 27th, 2022 by Gary Osberg

When I was a youngster in Upsala, we always had a Memorial Day service in the school gym, followed by a parade down Main Street. Sometime after I graduated Upsala High School in 1961, the practice died out. Then in the 80’s, Lorna Koehn, a member of the American Legion Auxiliary brought back the Memorial […]

May 20th, 2022 by Gary Osberg

Many times we end up taking a path quite by accident.  My first career was drafting.  I faked my way into that field, but it ended well. In fact in 1965 drafting jobs were so plentiful that Marcia and I were able to take a four week honeymoon knowing that when I got back to Minnesota, […]

May 13th, 2022 by Gary Osberg

I hope to get the Yukon Golds in the ground this weekend, in between the rain. A real “truck farmer” told me to just plant them whole.  No need to cut them and let them heal for a few days.  It cost more, but the result is worth the added expense.  I get my seed […]

May 6th, 2022 by Gary Osberg

My Dad served in the Pacific during the war. His brother-in-law, my Uncle El, served there also. One of the photos that I had restored is a picture of Dad and Uncle El smoking cigars on an island after V-J Day. You can tell by the look on Dad’s face that the canteens did not […]