June 30th, 2016 by Gary Osberg
Last Saturday was one of the best days of my life. I was supposed to be at the lagoon at 6:45 for the `Osberg Fishing Team’ photo opportunity, but the front desk didn’t do the wake-up call. My cell phone was in the car charging because I forgot to pack my home phone charger. I […]
June 17th, 2016 by Gary Osberg
Sunday is Father’s Day. In 1998 Dad moved from his high rise apartment in downtown St. Paul to my house in Upsala. He had been a city fellow for most of his life, but he was raised in Upsala. I was working in Minneapolis as a sales manager with a Xerox agency and I was […]
June 10th, 2016 by Gary Osberg
Fishing was really tough. Too windy. Brother Craig ran into 4 to 5 foot waves on Monday. Erik and Walleye Willie arrived on Sunday and we did get out into the bay close to Brindley’s Resort. Willie landed two northern pike, but no walleye. He also caught three northern off the dock. Between seven of […]
June 3rd, 2016 by Gary Osberg
I have never been much of a fisherman. When I was young, Dad was not around and besides, I was too busy as a juvenile delinquent getting into trouble in Upsala to care about fishing. Then in 1973 we bought an old farm house on Cedar Lake west of Upsala and the next spring, I […]