June 27th, 2014 by Gary Osberg

Good morning from Collegeville, The forecast if for more rain, but there have been some sunny days this week. The farmers are having to deal with too much of a good thing. Replanting is not a good way to spend the day. Kerry and I are working the garden in Upsala together. It was featured […]

June 20th, 2014 by Gary Osberg

Good foggy morning from Collegeville, Rain, rain, rain. Hopefully today will bring some sunshine. The first Sunset Stages event had to be moved inside to The Colman Theater last night. Bill and Kate Isles were great. They met at Bill’s CD release party in 2001. She had heard him being interviewed on Minnesota Public Radio […]

June 13th, 2014 by Gary Osberg

Good morning from Collegeville, June 6, 1989 was the last day of school for my son in Charlotte, North Carolina. The school day ended at 2:30 PM and at 5:30 PM he left in his 1972 rust free Olds Cutlass Supreme for Minnesota. He had earned the money to buy the car by waxing office […]

June 6th, 2014 by Gary Osberg

Good morning from Collegeville, 70 years ago today, Aymer Nelson, a farm boy from Upsala, was going ashore on one of the beaches in Normandy, France. Today, Aymer lives in an apartment at Mother of Mercy in Albany. At age 102, Aymer still does his daily exercises to ensure that he stays fit. I called […]