December 17th, 2011 by Gary Osberg

Good morning from Collegeville, Nine days until Christmas. I have all of my shopping done and now I simply have to pace myself on the cookies and candy. Children love Christmas, as well they should. As with most families, some years Christmas gifts were easy to come by and some years they were hard to […]

December 9th, 2011 by Gary Osberg

Good morning from Collegeville, Christmas Eve is two weeks from tomorrow. Yes, two weeks. I have three “Holiday” cards taped on the door in the loft and two cards on the reception counter here in Wimmer Hall. I suspect that “email cards” are going to be big this year. On my side of the family […]

December 2nd, 2011 by Gary Osberg

Good frosty morning from Collegeville, There are only three weeks until Christmas. I have to talk to granddaughter Chrissy about the Angel for my Christmas card. I have to find that special gift for that special person. I have to lose a few pounds so that I can partake in all of the wonderful holiday […]