January 23rd, 2009 by admin

Good morning from Collegeville,  Another cold snap is on the way.  This may be the first January in a long time without a January thaw.  It only makes the anticipation of spring that much stronger.  I really should get some seed catalogs.  I suppose I could just “Google” seed catalogs and go from there.   Many […]

January 23rd, 2009 by admin

Good morning from Collegeville,  I had a meeting with a caterer this week who also is the new President of the Minnesota Dark House & Angling Association.  He described in detail the concept of sitting in a fish house without windows, out on the frozen lake, above a sloping reef, staring into a six foot […]

January 9th, 2009 by admin

Good morning from Collegeville, I am still upset with Great Grandma Anne Oien for not taking the train from Chicago south to Kentucky instead of north to Minneapolis.  She could just as well have settled on a 40 acre horse ranch in Bluegrass Country as the farm close to the railroad near Cushing.  That way […]

January 2nd, 2009 by admin

Good morning from Collegeville,  2008 is history.  Not a great year in some ways.  My mother passed on in January and that kind of set the tone.  The good news is she will never be forgotten.  My 403-B has suffered but I still have a job.  I really never planned on quitting working anyway so […]